Photos Swap is a passionate conceptual project addressing the problem of forgotten photo sharing after events. The app uses on-device machine learning and facial recognition to automatically exchange photos among friends, balancing spontaneity with privacy concerns. Key features include personalized "For You - Swaps". The design aims to streamline photo sharing, making it effortless and engaging for users.
User Research Interview
How do people take and share photos with their friends and family? That was thequestion I wanted to answer in this phase of user research. I interviewed fiveparticipants who were active photo takers using either Apple or Android Photos app. Here aresome of the key insights I discovered:
- Insight 1: SpontaneityGood Photos Captures Casual and Real Moments.
- Insight 2: PrivacySharing Photos is Selective & Sometimes Sensitiveespecially for Android users.
User Journey
User journey storyboards are created to explore and predict how travelers wouldinteract with the travel app to easily get a group of people onboard to a trip plan, andseek assistance from a local person.
Usability Testing
In this phase, I tested the high-fidelity prototypes of Photos Swap with five iPhone users who were active photo takers to evaluate their usability and user satisfaction.The usability testing revealed some interesting insights and feedback from the users:
- Most participants missed the onboarding information and ended up in the last screen too fast.
- iPhone users tend to have less privacyconcern
Usability feedback guided improvements to Photos Swap, focusing on enhancing the onboarding experience. The redesign clarifies the feature's purpose for first-time users, ensuring a more intuitive introduction.
Dark Mode & iOS Design System
The iOS design system provided me with guidelines and resources for designing theinterface elements, icons, typography, colors. I chose dark mode as the defaulttheme for Photos Swap because it complemented the user-generated images andenhanced their visibility. However, I also provided options for switching between lightand dark mode according to the user's preference.
Hi-Fi Prototype Storyboard
Using Alice's beach bonfire party as a user journey, the storyboard illustrates the Photos Swap feature in three key scenes:
The Event: Alice enjoys a beach bonfire party with friends. Throughout the evening, everyone captures candid moments and group shots on their phones.
Swap Session:
Alice initiates Photos Swap, exchanging her photos of friends for pictures others took of her.
Memory Collection:
As the party ends, Alice gains access to a curated collection of memories from the swap session, available for viewing anytime.